  • Introduction

    {mlang en_us}

    This free training module is extracted from "Color Control Freak", our complete capture to print color management series.

    {mlang} {mlang fr}

    Ce module de formation gratuit est extrait de "Color Control Freak", notre série complète sur la gestion des couleurs de la capture à l'impression.

    {mlang} {mlang de}

    Dieses kostenlose Lernmodul ist ein Auszug aus "Color Control Freak", unserer umfassenden Serie über Farbmanagement von der Erfassung bis zum Druck.

    {mlang} {mlang it}

    Questo modulo di formazione gratuito è estratto da "Color Control Freak", la nostra serie completa sulla gestione del colore dall'acquisizione alla stampa.

    {mlang} {mlang es}

    Este módulo de formación gratuito se extrae de "Color Control Freak", nuestra serie completa de gestión del color de la captura a la impresión.

    {mlang} {mlang pt}

    Este módulo de treinamento gratuito foi extraído de "Color Control Freak", nossa série completa de gerenciamento de cores da captura à impressão.

    {mlang} {mlang ja}


    {mlang} {mlang ko}

    디스플레이 프로파일링 기초

    {mlang} {mlang zh_cn}


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    Course information

    • 1 頁面,
    • 1 網址,
    • 1 測驗卷.
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  • Getting Started

    0% complete

    This module explains the purpose of monitor calibration and references common practices used in today's photographic and printing industries. You will learn:

    • The different types of devices that can be calibrated
    • Which display devices are suitable for color management
    • The importance of proper viewing conditions
    • Common practices used in today's photographic and printing industries
    • The difference between Basic and Advanced profiling
    • How to create a stable, repeatable, and unvarying environment
    • How to use i1Profilerto calibrate a display

    This section is approximately 15 minutes

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