주요 내용으로 넘어가기
  • Introduction

    {mlang en_us}

    Whether you are approving production samples or finished goods, Color iQC makes controlling color fast and easy. This course will go over some of the basic as well as advanced features.

    {mlang} {mlang fr}

    Que vous approuviez des échantillons en production ou des produits finis, le logiciel Color iQC rend le contrôle de la couleur rapide et facile. Ce cours passe en revue certaines des fonctions de base et des fonctions avancées.

    {mlang} {mlang de}

    Ob Sie Produktionsmuster oder fertige Produkte genehmigen, Color iQC macht die Farbkontrolle schnell und einfach. In diesem Kurs werden einige der grundlegenden und erweiterten Funktionen durchgesprochen.

    {mlang} {mlang it}

    Che si tratti di approvare campioni di produzione o prodotti finiti, Color iQC consente di controllare il colore in modo semplice e veloce. Questo corso illustra alcune delle funzioni di base e avanzate.

    {mlang} {mlang es}

    Tanto si está aprobando muestras de producción como productos acabados, Color iQC hace que el control del color sea rápido y sencillo. Este curso repasará algunas de las funciones básicas y avanzadas.

    {mlang} {mlang pt}

    Quer esteja aprovando amostras de produção ou produtos acabados, o Color iQC torna o controle de cores rápido e fácil. Este curso abordará alguns dos recursos básicos e avançados.

    {mlang} {mlang ja}


    {mlang} {mlang ko}

    Color iQC

    {mlang} {mlang zh_cn}

    Color iQC

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  • Getting Started

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    Whether you are approving production samples or finished goods, Color iQC adapts to your workflow to make controlling color fast and easy. Color iQC is a job-oriented software solution that removes the guesswork from evaluating colors. It's easily adaptable and is available in a variety of configurations to meet specific industry and quality control requirements. This course will go over some of the basic as well as advanced features of iQC.

  • This section will get you familiar with some of the basic features of Color iQC.

    This course is approximately 27 minutes.

  • This course will cover some of the advanced features available in Color iQC including:
    • The Green Check Tile
    • Properties of Views
    • eJob Settings
    • Using Tolerances, Settings, & Templates
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